Railway stations
Belorussky railway station |  | Long-distance trains to the Western and South-Western directions of Russia and abroad: Berlin, Berne, Brest, Brussels, Belostok, Warsaw, Vilnius, Vunsdorf, Gomel, Grodno, Geneva, Kaliningrad, Kaunas, Cologne, Copenhagen, Madrid, Malme, Minsk, Moguilyov. |
Address: Tverskaya zastava sq. 7.
Passage: "Belorusskaya" metro station.
Phones: 973-8191; 251-6093 - information; 973-8557 - duty officer; 973-8494 - luggage check and claim; 973-8936 - luggage box office; 251-5951 - post delivery department.
Kazansky railway station |  | Long-distance trains to the South, East, South-East of Russia, Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. |
Address: Komsomolskaya sq.,2
Passage: "Komsomolskaya" metro station.
Phones: 264-6556 - information; 266-2843 - duty officer; 266-2570 - box offices; 266-2126 - luggage check and claim; 266-2507 - luggage box office; 975-3083 - post delivery department.
Kievsky railway station |  | Long distance trains to the West and South-West of Russia and abroad. |
Address: Kievskaya sq., 2.
Passage: "Kievskaya" metro station.
Phones: 240-0415; 240-7036 - box offices; 240-1115 - information; 240-7339 - duty officer; 240-7430 - luggage check and claim; 240-7647 - luggage box office; 240-2129 - post delivery department.
Kursky railway station |  | Long-distance trains to the South-West and South of Russia and the former Soviet Union. |
Address: Zemlyanoy val st., 29.
Passage: "Kurskaya" metro station.
Phones: 916-2003; 917-3152 - box offices; 917-3152 - information; 917-3152 - duty officer; 266-4043 - luggage check and claim; 266-4409 - luggage box office; 917-3435 - post delivery department.
Leningradsky railway station |  | Long distance trains to the North-West of Russia and abroad. |
Address: Komsomolskaya sq., 3.
Passage: "Komsomolskaya" metro station.
Phones: 262-9143 - information; 262-9143 - box offices.
Paveletsky railway station |  | Long distance trains to the South-East and East of Russia and CIS countries. |
Address: Zatsepskaya sq., 1.
Passage: "Paveletskaya" metro station.
Phones: 235-0522 - information; 235-0522 - duty officer.
Rizhsky railway station |  | Long distance trains to Russia and abroad (Velikiye Luki, Riga, Rzhev, Sebezh). |
Address: Rizhskaya sq., 2
Passage: "Rizhskaya" metro station.
Phones: 266-0596 - information; 266-1372 - duty officer; 266-0596 - box offices.
Savyolovsky railway station |  | Long distance trains to Russian cities (Vesiegonsk, Rybinsk, St-Petersburg, Uglich). |
Address: Savyolovskaya sq.
Passage: "Savyolovskaya" metro station.
Phones: 285-9005 - information; 285-9005 - box offices.
Yaroslavsky railway station |  | Long distance trains to the West and South-West (Russia, China, Mongolia). |
Address: Komsomolskaya sq., 5.
Passage: "Komsomolskaya" metro station.
Phones: 921-5914 - information; 921-0817 - box offices.
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