| | Using Converter , you can transfer one currency in another at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation |
Official rates of the Central Bank of Russian Federation from 15-08-2003Curency Name | Quantity | Value | Brief | Australian dollar | 1 | 19.9603 | AUD | Byelorussian rouble | 1000 | 14.5293 | | Canadian dollar | 1 | 21.7914 | CAD | Danish crone | 10 | 45.9431 | DKK | EURO | 1 | 34.1534 | EUR | Icelandic crone | 100 | 38.0939 | | Japanese yen | 100 | 25.5133 | JPY | Kazakh tenge | 100 | 20.7728 | | Norwegian crone | 10 | 41.1949 | NOK | Singapore dollar | 1 | 17.3496 | SGD | Swedish crone | 10 | 37.0898 | SEK | Swiss franc | 1 | 22.1314 | SHF | Turkish lyre | 1000000 | 21.6268 | | Ukrainian grivna | 10 | 56.3568 | | USA dollar | 1 | 30.3532 | USD |
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